We are Wildlife Champions
2019 / 2020
Big Dig IV
On Wednesday 20th November, every child in our school planted a tree on our field or around our new Forest School area. We are so grateful to all of the parents who came in to help dig the holes for the children. They worked extremely hard and did a magnificent job! Thank you!
Family Wildlife Club
The Family Wildlife Club has started making a difference to our school grounds.Over the autumn termn of 2019, they created another bug hotel for invertebrates to hide and they sowed seeds for the new wildflower area. They also helped plant trees as part of our Big Dig. Not only have they helped improve our own grounds but they have learnt about how they can make their homes more wildlife friendly. They have created shallow ponds for small amphibians and aquatic creatures and they have created toad abodes by painting plant pots. Here are some pictures of some of the club members. Great work, everyone!
Our Family Wildlife Club had their first session on 12th October 2019. They visited Chester Zoo Nature Reserve where they learnt about pond-dipping, bughunting, birdwatching and nature surveys. The wildlife club are looking forward to bringing back their learning to impact our own school grounds.
This year, we launched our new Family Wildlife Club in conjunction with Chester Zoo.
Ten families work with rangers from Chester Zoo to learn about UK native species and improve our school grounds to make them better for local wildlife. Participants do wildlife surveys, create bat boxes and create our new scrape at both Chester Zoo Nature Reserve and on our school grounds. There are also free tickets to Chester Zoo available to those families who take part!
2018 / 2019
Random Acts of Wildness
If you want to get active in wildlife, why not try doing a Random Act of Wildness? Click here for more details.
Reception Planting
Children in both Reception classes spent the afternoon planting plants and herbs near one of the wildflower meadow. Thanks to all of the parents who came to help!
Big Dig III
After the success of creating our wildflower meadows last academic year, we wanted to further develop our grounds so that local wildlife have a healthy habitat. We applied to get some free trees from The Woodland Trust and we got some help and advice from the good people at The Mersey Forest. On 24 November, we held Big Dig III, our big tree planting event. We had 100 people planting 150 trees on the field. What a great day! Watch the video to see pictures.
Green Tree School Award
We recently received the Green Tree School Bronze Award from the Woodland Trust. This is due to our work on conservation of trees.
Tree Planting on Regal Close
Some of our Key Stage Two children went down to Regal Close to plant some trees with Steph and Ben from The Mersey Forest.They did a treeeemendous job and they all put lots of enthusiasm and hard work into it. Thank you to our parent helpers.
2017 / 2018
In Spring 2018, every class in the school started a new curriculum project based on the conservation of British Wildlife. We wanted every member of our school community to be a wildlife champion at school and at home. In conjunction with Chester Zoo, the teachers designed lessons and activities that helped children gain a greater understanding and appreciation of the wildlife around us.
Each year group decided on an aspect of British Wildlife such as hedgehogs, bumble bees, butterflies, bugs, bats and so on.
We wanted to change the children’s (and adults’) views around this topic, enhancing our school grounds in the process, to make connections with local wildlife. The whole premise of this project was to ignite an ongoing ‘botheredness’ about how we learn and what we learn.
Our British Wildlife Project has got us enjoying the outdoors and opening our eyes to nature - we want to save wildlife and wild places, for the animals and for the people!
The seeds sown during these lessons have started to germinate: we now have an improved environment that is welcoming to local wildlife and we have a schoolful of concerned conservationists. This is no 'flash in the pan'. The local wildlife will not benefit unless we make a continued, concerted effort to look after it so our efforts will continue and we'll make our school a better place for everyone who uses it.
Tree Tools For Schools website
The Wildflower Meadows
The wildflower meadows that we planted in May have started to come to life. We have definitely seen more bees and butterflies around the sites. Over the years, more wildflowers will grow!
Our Bug Hotels
We have created lots of bug hotels for little creepy crawlies to live in. They were easy to make because our lovely parents provided so many of the materials. Thank you so much for the materials!
Sensory Garden
If you visit the Key Stage 1 field, just beyond the new wildflower meadow, you'll see the wonderful new sensory garden, created by Year 2. It's a relaxing place for children, adults and wildlife, designed and made by our children using donations of materials from our parents. Take the time to relax in there!
Bird Box Building
We held a parent and child workshop on the 20th June from 3pm to 5pm. Over 40 bird boxes were made to be placed around our school grounds. Thank you so much to all of the parents and grandparents who came in to help the children build the bird boxes!
Let It Grow
The Key Stage 2 children made this video to help persuade Sodexo to leave some of our field to grow.
Please don't cut all of our grass
In order to provide a habitat for caterpillars, butterflies and bees, we are transforming some of our field into a meadow. Our Year 4s wrote letters to Sodexo, the company who cut our grass, to ask them to not mow a section of the field. Here's a video they made too:
Planting our Wildflower Meadow
The children in Years 3 and 4 planted wildflower seeds that we received from Kew Gardens as part of the #GrowWild project. Hopefully we'll soon have wild marjoram, wild carrot, foxglove, corncockle,crested dog's tail, common knapweed and many other types of wildflower growing in our grounds!
We've now got some string and some bags covering the areas in order to keep birds away from the seeds. Please leave this area alone for now!
The Big Dig and The Big Dig 2
We held two Big Digs on our school grounds to get the ground ready for the planting of our new wildflower meadows. We must give a massive thank you to all of the parents who came to help us dig up parts of the field and who provided us with equipment to create wildflower meadows for local wildlife. Photos of the Big Digs are here:

Get Out and About in Your Local Area
This budding young environmentalist from Reception made a video as part of her homework. She was upset to hear that lots of woods have been cut down to make way for the houses on Stanney Oaks.
Can you provide any materials?