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At the end of the year, in the leavers' assembly, we hand out awards to Year 6 children. As well as awards for attendance, children are awarded trophies for achievements and progress. The recipients of the awards get to keep the trophies for a year.
The current holders of the awards are shown below:
Kevin Fitzgerald Award
Helen Trattles Award for Citizenship
Sports Award
Allison Murray Music Award
Sonny Ram Progress Award
Margaret Turner Award
Allison Murray Award for music
Helen Trattles Award for citizenship
Kevin Fitzgerald Award for all round contribution to school life
Margaret Turner Award for drama
Sonny Ram Award
Sports Award for contributions to school sports
Allison Murray Award for music
Helen Trattles Award for citizenship
Kevin Fitzgerald Award for all round contribution to school life
Margaret Turner Award for drama
Sports Award for contributions to school sports