Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School

Our Lady Star School Our Lady Star of The Sea Catholic Primary School

Our Star Clubs


Our Breakfast Club runs from 7.30am until 8.45am when school starts. The children enjoy a breakfast of toast, cereal and/or fruit. . They also have time to play in the club.


Children are delivered safely to their classes at the start of the school day.


Breakfast Club is a 'drop in' service and there is no need to book.




After School ‘Star Club’ runs from 3:15pm, when school finishes, until 6pm. The children are collected from their classes and taken to the club by staff members. While there, the children are offered a snack.


The children then have the opportunity to enjoy a wide variety of activities e.g. dressing up and role play, creative activities, construction, table top games, computer games, reading, writing and, in good weather, there is a range of outdoor toys which they enjoy.


Please contact Mrs Carrington in the school office to book a place in Our Star Club on  0151 329 0814.